So. Cal: Animals were not always rescued; the well-manicured slopes were full of exotic llamas, alpacas, pregnant goats, and the occasional purebred steed by the name of Sonoma Saphire or (ironically) Angel on Fire? Would they survive without their carefully weighed out, pedigreed feed and daily grooming?Luckily, most livestock were whisked away to the Del Mar track.
New Orleans: Looting and mayhem ruled the emergency efforts. People were ransacking the local stores for more than staples.
So. Cal: Looting and mayhem ruled. For instance, one woman was spotted leaving a Saks with her toy dog and thousands of dollars worth of brand name merchandise. Another woman chipped her nail when trying to grab her Tuscany inspired flatware before the flames consumed her custom kitchen.New Orleans: People made a run on the local stores for necessities like canned food,toilet paper, and diapers.
So. Cal: People made a run for necessities like vintage antiques,wines,and pet treats.New Orleans: People couldn't flee the city because of lack of transportation and money.
So. Cal: People couldn't flee the country-side because the pilots of their private planes were otherwise occupied and they couldn't transfer funds from one account to the another fast enough!
New Orleans: Thousands of evacuees huddled in the Superdome without food or water.
So. Cal: Qualcomm Stadium had cots and tents, plenty of water and a variety of foods, arts and crafts for children, crisis counseling, meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and AA meetings for adults. That's right--YOGA!?
Is it too soon to mock? I am glad that Jimbo and his family are safe and I am sorry for the loss of firefighters. I don't want to trivialize either emergency, merely to point out some glaring differences that may or may not be perceived by others!
If you want to make a similar comparison, compare the Rodney King riots and New Orleans after Katrina.
While the media would like you to think that all of Southern California burned to the ground, it was only small pockets the actually burned and 99% of us living here were never in any danger of losing our homes.
And to answer your question, no it is not too early to mock.
I have no problem with it at all!! I'm glad to see jimbo doesn't either! If the other 1% has anything to say, I'll be sure to let that roasted marshmallow ooze all over the burning heap that they once called home!
Damn that's cold!!! I don't think I would expect any less from someone form Jersy
bwahaha NANG
ok on a more serious note...
Californians hear "evacuate" and they leave. Whereas the fine citizens of New Orleans hear "evacuate" and see $$$ of free merchandise by staying behind.
Californians see somebody who suffered loss and rise on a personal level to do what they can to help (albeit typically from their abundance). New Orleans residents use the opportunity to steal from each other and the gov't and then blame the gov't for not coughing up more $$$.
Hey... If you're gonna say I'm cold b/c I now live in Jersey- spell it right! J-E-R-S-E-Y. Jah-ha-her-see... sound it out big boy!
Ha ha... I'm just fuckin' with you. I was in an exceptionally bad mood when I posted that. I'm still piss but not so much as to be a major bitch! I'm still batting in the minors though!
pOnk: I lived in Florida for two years beginning in 04. I was told over & over, "We haven't had a hurricane in 30 years!!!" Yeah... that was shit. I never evacuated once. I think if it were fire I'd have been long gone!!
Sorry JERSEY girl!! Do you need some chocolate?
the gulf states have hurricanes, SoCal has fires (and earthquakes, but i digress). And if you live in a trailer park in oklahoma during tornado season, you are living on borrowed time. These are inescapable facts. Hunker down or evacuate, it's up to you but don't blame somebody else for the outcome.
I really hate the scapegoating that always follows tragedies.
I can't believe they didn't offer pilates for the So.Cal evacuees. If I was an evacuee, I would sue the whole governmental heirarchy from the mayor on up to Bush for not providing equal exercise opportunity! I bet the cots weren't even brand name and the blankets were scratchy! Beotches!
Both Californians and the residents of New Orleans are sorely lacking in their ability to choose suitable land for housing. Ca--"Here is a nice ravine or canyon with ample dry bush,our million dollar custom home will be perfect right in the middle and natural floods and fire will miraculously avoid the chasm of a canyon valley!?"
New Orleans--"Swamp--schwamp" We should build right here, on the silty muddy, below sea-level acreage!"
bah, so what if it burns to the ground, collapses in an earthquake, or gets washed into the ocean during a tsunami - my insurance will cover it.
on a side note - 'ample bush' is so 70's.
What's wrong with ample bush? It can really fuel some hot fire!:-)
I'm burning my bra tomorrow too!
Not a chocolate issue jimbo.... I had another "wake up call" from J. This one is actually worse than the attempted ass dickin' and if I weren't feeling so ashamed, I'd post it to get feedback from you all. It was disgusting. (In my book anyway!) Sorry for being such a yankee bitch.
You have opened the door and now you have to tell us what is worse than a back door wake up call.
You can post it in here and then delete it after we all have read it.
I bet the gay guys and models you work with have had much worse done to them and the disturbing thing is that they probably really like freakshow stuff! Although, I don't know that models have enough brain cells to realize when they're having intercourse (sorry if some of them are your bff's or something).:-)
I'm telling you, I'm beginning to gleam that some men will stick "it" anywhere if given the inspiration (just read the fish to find that out)LOL!
Some of the gay men make me blush on a daily basis b/c they are so graphic! The models are generally quiet and pretty dirty. We actually have showers in the offices b/c they come in unwashed and they can't very well get into a $10,000 gown stinking like a bathroom stall in Penn station. They just don't wash their hair. I guess they are so used to people doing their hair and makeup that they don't care. I don't have much in common with them. No offense taken!
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