"Think about strong perfume and a threesome, and what do you get?
No, try again.
The correct answer is — reproduction by an ancient type of plants called cycads." (discovery.com)
No, try again.
The correct answer is — reproduction by an ancient type of plants called cycads." (discovery.com)
The male cycad plant secretes a sweet scent to allure little insects called thripes to its cones. The thripes happily crawl around and cover themselves in the cycad's male "essence" of pollen. Then, the temperature really heats up and the cycad produces a foul odor to drive the little guys out and towards the female plants!
This is millions of years of evolving "how to pick up female plants" or at least "sow your wild oats" at its best! Can you imagine if we were able to "bottle" this idea? Paris could sell twice her brand and make more millions if she also produced a "turn off" scent! How convenient would that be? A potent mixture of mink B.O. and dead fish oil would surely be a best seller during the holidays! The malls would have old ladies spraying it on unsuspecting passers-by and they would actually smile? It would be perfect for the bar scene---you could turn on the heat with something sweet and then switch to repulse scent if someone was not welcome! You could wear the B.O. by Paris on dark nights in allies to prevent muggings. The possibilities would be endless! What is Paris's number?
The stuff would never work on men.
I know right? Men use their "minds" and intellectual reasoning way too much to be swayed by odors!
the biggest problem i see with this concept is that the people you want to repulse already smell 10x worse than what you would be willing to do to yourself.
That's right. We men are way to smart to be turned off by a stinky women.
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