Monday, October 1, 2007

Nice Rack!

On a recent camping trip, Earl Grey heard the call of nature (not the Call of the Wild run with the wolves and eat raw meat kind of nature call, but the gotta pee on a tree feeling). So, at about 6am we stumbled out and into the glorious woodsy morning! We were walking along and Earl Grey was hurriedly marking every tree and shrub when I noticed some movement in the trees. I spotted 3 bucks, not the three bucks that will get you a tall latte, but 3 bucks with antlers! They were very habituated to people and let most of the campers walk up within a few feet. If I was a huntress, I would look at those antlers with a gleem in my eye, but alas I'm a tame white suburban treehugger remember? BUT if I was a huntress, my weapon of choice would be the bow and arrow from Cabela's (*body*deer_hunting&cmCat=home)---it seems a more primitive and romantic weapon than an intrusive blow your brains out bazooka or rifle with buckshot! Then being the prudent biologist wanna be that I am, I would choose the stag with the least potential as my prey! My main problem with hunting is not so much the needless slaying of nature's beasts or the nasty taste of wild venison, but that we are culling the prime specimens from the herd. When we cull the best of the best---who is left to procreate---Bambi's retarded cousin Jeffthrow that's who?!


Jimbo said...

That looks like the wild beasts that ran-sacked our camp site in Catalina.

p0nk said...

perhaps the smarter deer know how to avoid being shot. They let the studly macho deer take the bullet for them. We are helping evolution by pushing the genetic favor to brains over brawn.

Actually, hunting has never appealed to me, but as long the female fascination for size continues, i will continue to be in favor of thinning out the largest of the species.


Jimbo said...

We all know that it is not the size of your pencil, but it is how you sign your name that counts

Eagle Eye said...

Jimbo--you had wild deer pillage your village? We had a bear make a midnight run for some olives in Yosemite once!
Ahh yes, pOnk you are wise. Maybe survival of the fittest isn't brawn? I think those deer were very prudent to hang out with the "tourists" in the campsite as opposed to the dangerous wilderness!

Jimbo said...

With no rain and fires on Catalina Island this year there was very little food for the dear and buffalo to eat. At night they were coming into the camp ground and looking for food that people had left out. There has never been a problem there before. The second night we scared them off.

p0nk said...

i heard about the fire on Catalina - pretty messy business.